
Free Items

There are MANY ways to getting free items on Space Heroes Universe.

And THIS is the place to find out HOW to get FREE ITEMS on SHU! 

Let's get started..

Promo Codes

One way of getting some free goodies, is entering Promo Codes.
You can find promo codes very easily.
Ask someone if they know any codes, check the Space Heroes Twitter or check someone's blog.
Where do I enter my promo code?
At the Academy of course!

Go inside, and it's now pretty obvious where you type the code in ;)

Then you just type in the code you have!

Click SEND CODE, and now you have your free goodies!!
Click HERE for more info on Promo Codes!

Receiving Gifts

Another way to get free items is by receiving gifts from buddies!
The gift catalog changes depending on what event is going on, for example, Christmas or Halloween.
How do I know when I get a gift?
There will be a little notice on the chat bar like this..

 And when you go to your homepad, your letterbox should be jumping up and down like crazy!!

Click the letterbox and your gift shall magically pop up in the air!

There's also another way to get free items, but it's a little trickier.
There could be moderators giving out items on a VERY special occasion OR they could be giving out Purple Jackets!
Click HERE to learn about the Purple Jacket Squad!

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